Why Personalized Greeting Cards Offer A Greener Alternative

It’s fair to say that as a people, we’re becoming increasingly aware of the impact we have on the globe from an environmental perspective. We’re seeing electric low emission vehicles becoming more and more popular. Pretty soon you might hear people asking for a charger for their car the way you’d ask to borrow a charger for your phone! but the Cardzware Personalized greeting card App offers a greener option.

Even the fashion industry is moving towards ‘slow fashion’ – a more environmentally sound way of producing and shipping clothes. Climate issues are coming to the forefront of how companies conduct business. No one knows for certain what impact we really make on the climate and on earth. But, we’ve become aware that we can lessen the destructive impact we make through being more conscious with our spending choices. There are alternatives for most products that are a little greener, a little less disposable.

It’s natural to want to make these choices. People feel good knowing they are doing their part to keep the air a little fresher, and the water a little greener.

What do personalised greeting card Apps have to do with this? Well, they offer a greener alternative. When a someone personalises a greeting card, they make a one off, unique item, which gets printed individually. As each card is printed on demand, there are no extras made or boxes of cards which take up space. Each card has an origin and a destination. Personalised cards can’t go out of fashion or season. They are bought with purpose and conscious intention, which is at the heart of environmental change.

Because of the way a global print on demand services works, there is less of a carbon footprint too. If you order a personalised greeting card to be sent to someone in the UK and you are in Australia. The card will be printed on demand by the service provider in the UK. It’s more sustainable as items don’t have to be needlessly shipped or transported by air. In a certain way, this makes personalised products more local.

Of course, it helps that most greeting cards are made of cardboard, which itself can be quite easily recycled. So who knew that making a personalised greeting card for your grandmother could help the polar bears be a little cooler? Yes it turns out we’re all connected.

Consumers vote with their dollar. Greener alternatives have become a hot topic in the world we live in. A good question to ask is, do I want to be a part of that greener alternative? Personalized greeting card App plays its part in that move towards change.

What we’ve done is created a global print on demand plugin specifically with this in mind. If you are interested in getting into the world of customised greeting cards, our software might be of interest to you. Take a look at the service options we offer and see if you find something that suits your needs.

We can be a little bit greener together!